Protect Family Against Dengue Consequences

In Malaysia, dengue season is all-year round. Our climate maintains its tropical aspects throughout, and we have to be on alert for mosquitoes, especially the ones that carry the dengue virus. What we can do for protection is to empty all containers with standing water and dredge our drains.

They Take Flight, Land, and Attack

No one can see an Aedes Aegypti mosquito attack coming. The female mosquitoes species are small and dark bugs that are nearly invisible in the air. These mosquitoes feast quietly on the ankles and elbows. Most victims don’t know that they’ve been bitten. These bites leave raised marks that are much redder and itchier. 4 to 10 days after the bite, dengue fever will start to set in.

With a mosquito-borne viral infection, severe dengue can occur easily without medical attention. Warning signs include:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Rapid breathing
  • Bleeding gums, nose or stool
  • Fatigue & restlessness
  • Liver enlargement
  • Blood in vomit or stool

Complications and Circumstances

With these symptoms, close observation is required to avoid complications that could lead to shock and death. Of course, if we get infected with the dengue virus, there isn’t any way we can foresee it happening. You can take steps to get medical attention upon experiencing multiple symptoms and nip them in the bud, however, it isn’t just you who needs attending to if you get a dengue infection with complications, or worse. Your loved ones will have to take care of the bereavement process, emotional distress, and on top of it — the expenses will cost them dearly.

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