Social Impact At Merchantrade

We are humbled to have made a difference

Although we have grown significantly over the years and evolved strategically with changing times, the real measure of progress for us is having empowered the growing number of people from underserved communities around us.

Through the creation of our inaugural Social Impact Report, we are humbled to share the many ways we have provided value to our customers, agent-merchant network, employees and the larger community here in Malaysia, and throughout the region.


We stand by our 3Ps

Lifting People and transforming communities with our Product Innovations & Partnerships for a better and more inclusive tomorrow.


Product Innovation


Stories from the ground

Putting People First

Product Innovations

Financial Inclusion as a Core

Financial inclusion is the key inspiration behind every product, service and technology that we innovate. Our efforts to promote financial inclusion are further strengthened by our corporate philosophy – to support, educate and empower.

Partnerships for good

Delivering social impact at scale

Together with partners, our collaborative efforts to drive impact on the ground has been made possible to help millions of underserved communities throughout Malaysia and the regions.

We acknowledge their support and are grateful that they are a part of our journey.

Learn more about Merchantrade’s commitment towards social responsibility